ETP Engine Parts Case Study

ETP Engine Parts are a long standing business with exceptional reputation in their industry. Based in Melbourne, Australia and supplying both new and second hand parts worldwide, they deal with a wide range of customers.

Being in the automotive business there can be a lot of primitive and ‘old school’ ways of doing things. Such practices can be detrimental to a business, whether it be from a security stand point or simply from a financial losses point of view.

Make Any Payment offered a solution that countered all of ETP’s challenges and did so in a very simple, intuitive fashion.

After initial implementation and connecting Make Any Payment into their regular business processes, ETP began capturing up to $80,000 per month in payments through the platform.

That’s $80,000 per month in secured revenue that brought with it dramatically less wasted effort and a marked decrease in business risk.

Increased Card Security

Traditionally ETP sales team members accepted credit card numbers over the phone, then wrote each one onto a scrap of paper for future processing. This represented a huge risk to the business with a wealth of card details floating around the office. Not to mention the time wasted in following up customers if the card details were incorrect or they bounced.

Now sales team members simply direct customers to the ETP website where they can easily find the “Make a Payment” link, where they can make whatever payment they need to, using whatever payment method suits them.

ETP Make a Payment

Additional Payment Methods

ETP already had flexible payment methods such as Afterpay and Zippay available to customers through their website. However this limited the use to only those customers wishing to buy online.

By offering Afterpay and Zippay through Make Any Payment, ETP immediately improved the payment options to all customers which ultimately improved revenue.

Minimise Wasted Effort

A large challenge for ETP was when customers of second hand parts would not pay for and collect their items. Customers would request particular second hand parts, the ETP team would then set about spending effort retrieving them, only to have those parts sit on the shelf when the customer never materialised to pay for them.

Now, using Make Any Payment, ETP will only begin the process of retrieving parts when the customer has actually paid for it. This means that no effort is wasted on purchases that will never proceed, nor is there any wasted paper trail or accounting issues as nothing is processed until payment is received.

Increased Collections

By attaching Make Any Payment as a payment option for customers on invoices, bills and overdue notices, ETP has seen a rise in collections and a decrease in outstanding balances.

If you’d like to see ETP’s payment page, you can find it here:

About the author : [email protected]

ETP Engine Parts

About the author : [email protected]

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